Huang He Tayan and Tai Shan. A tourist situation in China. A route across China, Tayshanya conducting to a top, on forces to tourists in China
Route across China: as tourists reach Mount Tai Shan top
Tai Shan rises on 1545 metres, and wishing to rise by a top of the mountain it is necessary to overcome a way approximately in 8 km. To a top Tayshanya conduct two main tracks: East track (CNY 60) and the least brisk, but more colourful Western track (CNY 80). The ascension on the mountain will borrow from 4 to 5 hours if you hurry, will rise approximately twice more quickly. 2-3 more hours will leave on descent. Both tracks agree at Chzhuntyanmen (approximately on the way middle), and very quite often tourists who have chosen the western route, prefer to use the bus subsequent earlier пт (CNY 13). The tourists who have not got used many to go, can change on a ropeway (CNY 45 one way). From Chzhuntyanmen to a top conduct never-ending very narrow steps - more than 6000.
Across China you can choose a route though what, officially both are expensive day and night. Fans of night ascensions, having reserved by small lamps, usually подымаются on a top on more mastered East track, and go down already on Western. Chosen east route, подымаются on foot from Tai Shan Binguan to Hongmen Lu, or reach there by the bus No. 3 or No. 9 with though what stop on the road or from жд the station. By the beginning of the western route the bus No. 3 (CNY 1) walks; it is necessary to leave at a final stop - Tianwaicun. The taxi in China will take you there all for CNY 5. Cross the street, rise on the steps framed with decorative columns, and then go down to a bus fleet.
Tourist situation in China: weather features of Mount Tai Shan
Whatever there was a weather on Tai Shan, on a mountain top usually cold. Average air temperature in China at that height makes there +18°С in the summer, and in the winter falls to - 9°С. Information on a meteorological situation on a top of the mountain is hung out at windows of ticket offices at first the western track. We recommend to take with themselves warm clothes and water-proof footwear, comfortable for long lifting. The Chinese tourists подымаются in easy T-shirts and canvas shoes on a rubber sole, do not turn on their attention. It is better to plan an ascension if you arrive on rest in China in the autumn or in the spring when on Tai Shan there is more pleasant climatic tourist situation in China. If you perfectly transfer cold, but do not take out a chaos, devote a grief one of clear winter days though small light day will force you to hurry.
Where tourists in China will manage to find food and a lodging for the night on Tai Shan
On East track to you to meet the large quantity of snackbars. But it is better to grasp food with itself since the closer to a top, the offered food will be more expensive. Those who захотит to meet sunrise, small personal hotels in China will be glad to accept, the mountains located directly on a top. Brave tourists in China choose a night ascension, having grasped small lamps and warm clothes. It is not necessary to hope for the searchlights framing a track, the most part from them do not flare, and in winter months the sun enters about 17. 00.
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