The themes of technological innovation, entrepreneurship, and organizing


Only 1% ofthe world population has flown yet, but rapid growth of airline traffic, especially in Asia is expected in the near future (Upham, 2003). Air transportation interacts with current business and the economical practices and policies and well as through social activities, such as allowing people to meet their families on different continents. How to achieve aviation for sustainability without j eopardizing mobility is a huge issue for the sector.

We collected and analyzed the latest experts talks from four international meetings forAviation and the Environment held by ICAS, AIAA, and CAIR between Sep. 2009 and May. 2010. These meetings invited experts and researchers from Japan, Europe, and North America to mitigate the aviation impact to climate change. We saw that various levels of vision are well shared between agencies and many technology and system in­novations are upcoming. We also found that the networks between agencies are expanding through initiatives.

In spite of ambitious innovation plans, strong traffic growth makes it difficult to suppress the aviation impact to climate change. We discussed the need for positive economic measures to put a higher value on the need for low - carbon technology in the sustainability context. The cap-and-trade scheme is considered to be one of the best solutions, but at the same time, we may need a specific remedy before a trade scheme is finally put into effect after many more necessary long discussions.

Finally, we have presented future research di­rections using a multi-level perspective approach, which is useful in discussing how to bring inno­vations to practice. The aviation sector has had a number of innovative successes. Sustainability issues, however, may need a paradigm shift due to the higher overall complexity of issues.

The themes of technological innovation, entrepreneurship, and organizing

About the Contributors

Farley S. Nobre (PhD, MSc, BSc) is Professor at the School of Management of Federal University of Parana, Brazil. His research interests include organizations, knowledge management systems, innova­tion and sustainability. …

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