Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies

Extracting information of coatings

SE offers sensitive, nondestructive, fast and precise measurements for films, so it has been widely used in characterization of coatings by extracting diverse valuable information, such
as the thickness, roughness, optical indices, energy band gap, anisotropy, and compositions. If in situ SE is used, the growth kinetics of coating is even could be investigated.

  • Ex situ measurements
  • Thickness/roughness characterization

Thickness characterization is the most important and common usage of ellipsometry. After a reliable stratified model is constructed based on the structure and composition information of the sample, and the optical constants of the layers are known, the thickness of each layer can be extracted accurately and facilely.

Walsh et al. [55] used two-wavelength ellipsometry with a simple two-layer model (shown in Fig. 23) for characterizing the thickness of spin—coated poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) films. The results showed that the PMMA film thicknesses (ranging from 0.08 to 2.0 pm) were linear related to c1'33^-0'50, where c is the initial polymer concentration in solu­tion (1.0—7.5 wt.%) and w is the spin speed (1000—4000 rev/min) for preparing the films.

SE has been a well-known characterization tool to evaluate the surface quality of coatings. Bhattacharyya et al. [56] prepared metallic films with sputter deposition method and deter­mined the surface roughness with SE. They treated the surface layer as the mixture of bulk material and air so that Bruggeman EMA was introduced. It was found that the increase in surface roughness of the films followed the increase in thickness. The same conclusion was also drawn based on AFM and grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity (GIXR) measurements. Mendoza-Galvan et al. [57] also used SE to determine simultaneously the roughness and thicknesses of CuCdTeO thin films prepared by using reactive cosputtering technique.




N3 = П3 - ікз
FIGURE 2-3 Schematic of an idealized two-layer system used for the ellipsometric analysis of thin, spin—coated polymer films on thermal oxides of silicon [55].

SE can also be used to determine the thicknesses of an interface layer. As shown in Fig. 24, a two-layer optical model (ambient-bulk layer-interface layer-substrate) was built to fit the SE data and extract the thickness of the fois-1,2-(triethoxysilyl)ethane (BTSE) films [58], which were prepared by dipping the Al substrates into BTSE solutions. The results shown in Table 23 indicates that the thickness of the films increased with the BTSE bath concentration and the curing condition had significant influence on the film quality. The SE results were consistent with these of Auger electron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements.

    Cauchy dispersion
Silane coating   relation Thickness (nm) Non uniformity (%)
    EMA (cauchy + x% Al)
AloOo   Thickness (nm)
    Al (pseudo constantants
Л,   n and k
Presumed structure                                                           Optical model

FIGURE 2-4 Two-layer optical model used for deconvoluting the SE data to determine the silane layer optical constants, film thickness, and nonuniformity [58]. SE, Spectroscopic ellipsometry.




Table 2-3 Comparable thickness of silane films determined by SE [58].

BTSE bath concentration (%) Oven-cured silane film (200°C, 5min) Silane films left to dry at room temperature
Bulk layer (nm) Interface layer (nm) Bulk layer (nm) Interface layer (nm)
2 27.1 2.1 26.9
4 90.0 18.8 88.1 17.7
6 105.4 20.2 174.9 32.1
8 239.8 18.5 213.7 20.7
10 482.5 18.2 344.6 17.9

BTSE, b/s-1,2-(triethoxysilyl)ethane; SE, spectroscopic ellipsometry.




Surface roughness

W -Ti-O film


Si substrate

FIGURE 2-5 Stack model of the Ti-doped WO3 constructed for ellipsometry data analysis [59].

SE can be applied to extract the thickness information about the interface layer and sur­face roughness simultaneously. Ramana et al. [59] reported the SE results on the radio fre­quency (RF) magnetron sputtered Ti-doped WO3 films. As shown in Fig. 2-5, a three-layer optical model was built, in which the surface roughness and interface layer were considered simultaneously to accurately deconvolute the experimental data. Both the surface roughness and interface thickness determined were very thin, and the growth temperature almost had no influence on the film thickness. As shown in Fig. 2-6, the film thicknesses obtained from SE and observed by SEM were in good agreement with each other.


------- 1------ '-------- 1-----

в B

-------- 1—

■*------ 1--------- •“

—1------- '-------- 1-----

. Ї

■ SEM data 3 •    
. SE data Roughness (nm)   -
- • • _
  0 200 400 600
    Deposition temperature (°C) '
0 100 200 300 400 500

Deposition temperature (°C)




60 я M

І 40 20 0

FIGURE 2-6 Thickness of Ti-doped WO3 films grown at various temperatures. Insert shows the variation in surface roughness of the films with growth temperature [59].

  Glue Layer 2 Layer 3
a - Si   Layer 4
S i N   Layer 5
    Layer 6
    10 nm



FIGURE 2-7 TEM image of the a-Si/SiN multilayer sample [60]. TEM, Transmission electron microscopy.

Moreover, SE can measure the thicknesses (including the total thickness and the thickness of each layer) of a multilayer sample based on a complex optical model. As a typical example, the structure of an amorphous silicon—silicon nitride multilayer sample is shown in Fig. 2-7 [60].

Table 2-4 Thickness values for the a-Si/SiN multilayer sample determined by SE and TEM [60].

Sample structure SE Thickness (nm) TEM
1. Surface oxide 0.5 ± 0.9  
2. a-Si 4.6 ± 0.3   5.4 ± 0.3
3. SiN 7.7 ± 0.6   7.1 ± 0.3
4. a-Si 4.6 ± 0.3   5.3 ± 0.3
5. SiN 7.7 ± 0.6   7.1 ± 0.3
6. a-Si buffer 119±2   115±3
c-Si substrate  

SE, Spectroscopic ellipsometry; TEM, transmission electron microscopy.




SE provided detailed quantitative information about that system. Both the Tauc-Lorentz oscillator and Cauchy dispersion models were used to describe the dielectric functions of amorphous silicon and silicon nitride, respectively. The thickness values were obtained by analyzing SE data, which were in accord with those measured results by TEM, as shown in Table 24.

These typical applications of SE to measure the thickness or roughness of coatings are listed in Table 25.

  • Optical and electric properties characterization

By using SE, the complex optical constants N (or dielectric functions є) of layers can be determined, then their optical and electric properties such as the energy band gap, free car­riers concentration, can be derived. Therefore SE has been developed as an important method to measure the optical and electric properties of coatings.

Shaaban et al. [61] used SE to study the changes of the optical properties with the thick­ness for ZnSe films. They found that the refractive index of ZnSe film increases when the thickness increases within the used wavelength range. Fig. 28 shows this change tendency of the optical constants (including both refractive indices and extinction coefficients) with thicknesses.

Optical anisotropic materials have special properties and are very important in the field of optics. This kind of material has two sets optical indices No (no and ko) and Ne (ne and ke), here the subscripts o (means ordinary) and e (means extraordinary) express the direc­tions are parallel or perpendicular to the substrate, respectively. SE also could be applied to study the optical anisotropic materials. Yokoyama et al. [62,63] demonstrated the application of VASE for characterization of the optical anisotropy organic amorphous films. To deconvo­lute SE data, uniaxial anisotropic models were introduced. Results showed the molecular structure affects significantly the optical properties of the films, the longer the molecular length was, the larger the differences of ordinary and extraordinary optical constants became, which was shown in Fig. 2—9.



  N- A relation Parameters  
No. Systems conditions Optical model used extracted by SE Refs.
1 PMMA on Si VASE, wavelengths Two-layer model Cauchy dispersion Thickness and refractive [55]
    at 4050 and   equation index  
2 Mo/Si/Mo or Phase-modulated, Two-layer model Bruggeman EMA Thicknesses of total film, [56]
  W/Si/W wavelength     compact layer, surface  
  on c-Si range     layers, and volume  
    300-1200 nm     fraction  
3 CdTeOx and Photon energy Two-layer model Lorentz harmonic Film thickness, [57]
  CuCdTeO range of   oscillator and roughness, dielectric  
  on glass 1.5-5 eV   Bruggeman functions, and volume  
        EMA fractions  
4 BTSE on Al VASE, wavelength Single-layer model Cauchy dispersion Thickness, optical [58]
    range and two-layer equation and constants, and  
    250-1700 nm model with Bruggeman nonuniformity  
      nonuniform top layer EMA    
5 Ti-doped Wavelength range Three-layer model Tauc-Lorentz Thickness, optical [59]
  WO3 on 250-1350 nm   model constants, and relative  
  Si       density  
6 a-Si and SiN VASE, wavelength Multilayer model Tauc-Lorentz and Thicknesses of total film [60]
  on Si range   Cauchy models and each layer and  
    250-820 nm   and Bruggeman EMA refractive index  
Table 2-5 Brief summary of SE applications for the thickness/roughness


BTSE, b/s-1,2-(Triethoxysilyl)ethane; EMA, effective medium approximation; PMMA, poly(methyl methacrylate); SE, spectroscopic ellipsometry; VASE, variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry.


FIGURE 2-8 The spectral dependence of refractive index n and extinction coefficient k of ZnSe films with different thicknesses [61].
Wavelenght (nm)


FIGURE 2-9 Dependence of ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices and extinction coefficients on molecular length (a) 4,4'-bis(N-carbazole)biphenyl; (b), (c) The derivatives of (a); (d) 4,4'-bis[(N-carbazole)styryl]biphenyl [62].

The related optical properties, such as the complex refractive index (optical constants, N), absorption coefficient (a), normal incidence reflectivity (R), and dielectric constant (e) can also be detected by the following formulas [6466]:

a —

N — n 1 ik                                                   (2.15)

[n-1]21 k2

11]21 k2


e — (n1ik)2 — e1 1 ie2


e1 — n2 - k2

Thickness (nm) Eg ellipso (eV) Eg UV—vis (eV)
153.5 3.0984 3.18
156.5 3.0966 3.10
167.2 3.0031 3.08
177.9 2.8241 2.90
186.9 2.7758 2.71
204.9 2.5627 2.54
Table 2-6 The bandgap with different thickness from SE and UV-vis [68].


SE, Spectroscopic ellipsometry.



e2 = 2nk                                                   (2.20)

n(E) пх 1          —-


Qj 5 2(4Cj-B2)1/2







k(E —                        Aj(E Eg)

( )                      E2 - BjE 1 C

Bq-E 1 Co-
E2 - BjE 1 Ci
A-      B2

Bqі — q- (- -2 1 EgBj - E^ 1 Cj)

Aj                  B2

Cq, — - (E 1 Ci)                      - 2EgCj)

After the N—A or e— A relationship is obtained, the other physical properties of the mate­rial which is relevant to the absorption of the light, such as their energy band gap of semi­conductors, could be calculated further with Forouhi—Bloomer (FB) dispersion relations. FB dispersion relations are expressed as follows [67,68]:

in which A,, B,, Ci, Eg, and nN are fitting parameters. Das et al. [68] used FB relations to obtained the optical gap of the nanocrystalline CdS thin films successfully. The energy band gap of CdS thin films with different thicknesses is listed in Table 26, and the values extracted by SE are in accordance with those from UV—vis measurements.

a —

The optical band gap also can be calculated from the optical absorption coefficient (a), which could be determined experimentally by using Eq. (2.16) [69,70] and the values of the known wavelength (A) as well as the extinction coefficient (k) measured by SE:

FIGURE 2-10 Plot of (ahu)1/2 versus hu for MoS2 thin films. (a) Thickness of the MoS2 thin film is 1.99 nm. (b) Thickness of the MoS2 thin film is 9.83 nm [69].
a =
K (hv -Eg )m

At the same time, the relationship of the absorption coefficient and the photon energy can be described as:

where K is a constant, hu is the incident photon energy, Eg is the optical band gap, and m is a number characterizing the transition process, respectively. It should be noted that the value of m is determined by the band gap transition type, m equals 1/2 for a direct transition, and m equals 2 for an indirect transition. Based on these equations, the value of Eg could be calculated easily by fitting the linear part of the plot and then extrapolating to (ahu)1/m = 0, where hu = Eg. Fig. 210 demonstrates the calculation procedure with a typical example, which involves the measurement of optical band gap of MoS2 thin films [69]. Chung et al. [71] also studied the direct optical band gap, electronic structure and lattice dynamics of Li2Ni(WO4)2 with SE and Raman scattering measurements.

£1(u) = £n
2 2


ш(ш2 - ш2)


SE could be used to extract the information about charge carriers in metals or semicon­ductors (such as the carrier concentration). Usually the light energy could be absorbed by the free carriers in metals and semiconductors and the dielectric functions of the materials would be changed, which could be described by Drude model very well. The Drude model is expressed as [49,72]:

where єю, шр, and шт are the permittivity, plasma frequency, and scattering frequency, respectively. Then, the charge carrier concentration Nc and the mobility p can be calculated with the relations [73]:

Nc 5


uT m*

where e0 is the free-space permittivity, e is the electronic charge, and m* is the effective mass of the carriers. Using this approach, Jing et al. [74] found that in Ga—doped ZnO (GZO) thin films, the accurate electron effective mass (me*) is more impactful than the optical band gap shift for analyzing the electrical transport behavior.

IRSE was used by Nakano et al. [75] to determine the carrier concentration of n-type GaAs epitaxial layers. The results derived from the IR ellipsometry and from the electro­chemical capacitance—voltage (C—V) measurements were consistent very well, as shown in Table 27. The difference of the carrier concentrations obtained by these two methods was no more than 19%. Morino et al. [76] used terahertz time-domain spectroscopic ellipsometry to study the electric properties of an InN epilayer and found that the electric properties of the films were improved with the increase in the film thickness.

Table 28 summarizes the main applications of SE to measure optical and electric prop­erties mentioned above.

  • Other properties characterization

As we introduced above, when a layer is the mixture of two or more components, EMA model is a good approach to obtain the average optical constants or dielectric functions based on equations [27] such as Eq. (2.14). In those equations, the volume fractions (V) of each component of the layer are involved and can be calculated, then the density and poros­ity could be derived.

Schubert et al. [77] used IRSE to characterize a mixed-phase BN thin film, which was the mixture of isotropically h-BN and c-BN. By using the Bruggeman EMA [54] to describe the

Table 2-7 Comparison of Nc extracted by SE and C— V methods [75].

Sample   Nc (cm-3)  
SE   C—V
1 5.0 X 1018   6.2 X 1018
2 2.1 X 1018   2.5 X 1018
3 3.9 X 1018   4.7 X 1018
4 1.1 X 1018   1.1 X 1018
5 5.6 X 1017   5.1 X 1017
6 1.0 X 1018   1.1 X 1018
7 8.7 X 1017   8.7 X 1017
8 4.9 X 1017   5.3 X 1017
9 7.4 X 1017   7.7 X 1017

C—V, Capacitance—voltage; SE, spectroscopic ellipsometry.




Table 2-8 Brief summary of SE applications for optical and electric properties



  N— A relation Parameters  
No. Systems conditions Optical model used extracted by SE Refs.
1 ZnSe on glass Wavelength range Three-layer model Not mentioned Optical constants, [61]
    300—1100 nm     thickness and roughness, and optical bandgap  
2 Organic VASE, wavelength Single-layer model with Drude and Ordinary and [62]
  amorphous range a uniaxial anisotropic Tauc-Lorentz extraordinary dielectric  
  films on Si 245—1000 nm layer models constants  
3 Organic VASE, in situ real-time Single-layer and two- Not mentioned Ordinary and [63]
  amorphous SE, wavelength layer models with a   extraordinary dielectric  
  films range uniaxial anisotropic   constants, and  
  on Si 245—1000 nm layer   thicknesses of layers  
4 CdS on glass Wavelength range Not mentioned Forouhi—Bloomer Thickness, refractive [68]
  or Si 248—825 nm   relations indices, extinction coefficient, and optical band gap  
5 MoS2 on Wavelength range Three-layer model Tauc-Lorentz Optical constants, [69]
  fused 380—900 nm   model thickness, and optical  
  quartz or SiO2       bandgap  
6 Li2Ni(WO4)2 VASE, photon energy Substrate only Lorentz model, Optical bandgap [71]
  pellet range of   Bruggeman    
    0.73—6.42 eV   EMA    
7 GZO on glass Photon energy range Not mentioned Drude and Optical properties, [74]
    of 0.7—4.14 eV   Lorentz models effective mass, and optical bandgap  
8 GaAs epitaxial FTIR Single-layer model or Drude model Thickness, optical [75]
  layer phase—modulated two-layer model   constants, and carrier  
    SE, photon energy range of 11.7—2.9     concentration  
9 InN epilayer THz-TESE, frequency Three-layer model Drude model Thickness, optical [76]
  on GaN/ range of     constants, carrier  
  sapphire 1.4—3.2 THz     density, and mobility  

EMA, Effective medium approximation; GZO, Ga—doped ZnO; SE, spectroscopic ellipsometry; VASE, variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry.




dielectric functions of the mixed-phase BN thin film, the volume fraction of c-BN in the film was estimated. Vargas et al. [78] reported the relative density (which is the ratio of film den­sity to that of the bulk material) of films can be determined according to the following Lorentz—Lorentz relation:

Pf _ (■nf -1)2. (пь +1)2 Pb              (nf + 1)2 (nb -1)2

where pf pb, Uj and nb are the density of the film and the bulk material, the refractive index of the film, and the bulk material, respectively. SE was used to determine the "n" values in Eq. (2.31) and the relative density was calculated further.

  • In situ measurement

It is well known that the ellipsometry measurement is fast and nondistractive, so many pro­cesses can be monitored by in situ SE in real-time. Not only the growth rates were obtained, but also the growth kinetics and mechanisms were elucidated. An important application of in situ SE is to study the initial growth stages of films because of the high sensitivity of SE. Fig. 211 shows the deposition process of RF magnetron sputtered molybdenum thin film which was obtained by using in situ RTSE [79]. The variations of the Mo bulk layer thickness and surface roughness thickness under three Ar pressures were obvious different, which revealed the mechanisms of the Ar pressure affects the nucleation and growth for the molyb­denum thin film.

Lyon et al. [80] prepared Hgx_xCdxTe alloys with x > 0.5 by using molecular beam epitaxy method and determined its real-time composition with SE. SE possesses sufficient sensitivity (can distinguish the tiny composition different about A x~ 0.0002) as well as very good run- to-run stability (Ax~ 0.0012), so it could be applied in the feedback-control system.
























Time (min)
FIGURE 2-11 Surface roughness and bulk layer thicknesses versus deposition time obtained by RTSE for Mo depositions at three Ar pressures [79]. RTSE, Real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry.

In situ SE could be employed to track and measure the film growth process not only in the vacuum environment, but also in the solution environment. Therefore in situ SE has been applied widely in chemical studies in which solutions are involved. Dardona et al. [81] prepared trivalent Cr process (TCP) conversion coatings on Al substrates and studied the for­mation process by using in situ SE within the spectral region of 1.3—4.3 eV. They used Cauchy dispersion relation to describe the film optical constant and then calculated the film thickness. The results showed that the film thickness is related to the immersion time, and

the initial stages of film formation included three stages, that is, the chemical thinning of the native oxide layer, formation of a very thin initiation layer, and the subsequent rapid forma­tion of the TCP film.

SE is a typical optical technique so that it does not disturb the electric measurements. Therefore SE has been a powerful tool in the field of electrochemistry to study the formation or dissolution of the films on the electrode surface. Li et al. [82] employed in situ SE to obtain detailed insights into the growth of anodic ZrO2 films in an inorganic electrolyte con­tained F_ ion. Three different models were constructed for the dynamic SE data analysis. Four distinguished phases were found during the initial growth stage of anodic ZrO2 film, namely, formation of compact barrier layer, formation of pores, pore evolution to nanotubes and the nanotube steady-growth. Moreover, in those different phases, the thickness of porous layer increased linearly with the anodization time and the rate was 25.6 nm/s. Similarly Lei et al. [83] studied the initial stages of anodization of aluminum in H2SO4.

In Table 29, the typical applications of in situ SE in several environments (vacuum, solution, and electrochemical cell) are summarized.

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Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies

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