Financial Sector Assessment

Illustrative Data Questionnaires for Comprehensive Financial Sector Assessment

This appendix complements chapter 2 and provides some additional guidance on the sort of quantitative data that should be collected to facilitate the analysis of different aspects of financial stability and of financial structure and development. The precise scope and content of data needed will be country specific to reflect its structural and institutional circumstances. Nevertheless, the appendix seeks to present a generally useful set of indica­tors and tabular formats and to present the sort of additional indicators that could be use­ful to capture differences in financial structure and in the state of financial development. The sequence in which the questionnaire—or list of data needed—is presented reflects the organization and coverage of the Handbook. The broad coverage of the questionnaire is as follows:

• General data on the financial system, covering financial structure and its development

• Data and tables for financial system stability assessments

• Data on ownership structure, concentration, exposures, profitability, and costs of banking system in the aggregate and for different peer groups of banks

• Data on the structure and operation of insurance companies, security markets, pen­sion funds, and other financial institutions

• Data on the functioning of money, exchange and government debt markets, pay­ment settlement systems, financial safety nets, insolvency regime, and corporate governance arrangements

• Country-specific data on specific subsectors, markets, or issues for in-depth analysis (taxation of financial services and assessing adequacy of access are presented as examples)

Qualitative information on legal institutional and operational arrangements for finan­cial sector supervision and financial system infrastructure are covered mostly as part of the templates for assessing observance of standards and are not covered in this appendix.

The general questionnaire on the financial system seeks to compile data on the struc­ture, composition, and interrelationships in the financial system, and on the key compo­nents of aggregate balance sheet and income statements of major categories of institu­tions, including various peer groups of banks and banks in the aggregate. Tables B.1, B.2, and B.3 illustrate the data sets typically presented to characterize the recent evolution of financial structure (such as the number of institutions, shares in total assets, or share of assets to GDP) and key balance sheet and performance indicators for the banking system as a whole.

Table B.4 provides measures of financial system interconnectedness.

Table B.5 shows financial soundness indicators for banking—both core and encour­aged sets—as defined in the International Monetary Fund’s Compilation Guide on Financial Soundness Indicators.

Additional data on ownership, concentration, exposures, profitability, and costs are compiled as needed, depending on relevance to country circumstances. Such data are listed in table B.6.

Data needed for stress testing, as characterized in table B.7, will vary widely, depending upon the scope and depth of the exercise, as well as on the stress testing approaches used (see the technical note on stress testing that accompanies chapter 3). These data will gen­erally depend on the size and complexity of the financial system and on the types of risks it is facing. For small systems with few sophisticated financial tools, rudimentary stress tests can be carried out with bank-by-bank data about financial soundness indicators. For most systems, however, additional data may be needed, for example, on the maturity and repricing structure of assets and liabilities. Data needs will generally be much higher in complex financial systems. Having financial institutions carry out the actual calculations that are based on common scenarios and methodologies may help reduce the data that need to be collected and processed in one place. In most systems, the input data will need to cover the basic types of risk (such as credit risk); however, in some systems, additional data on specific risks may be needed (e. g., commodity price risk in systems where the pre­liminary analysis suggests that this may be an important issue). Construction of scenarios for stress testing and the analysis of financial soundness indicators typically require a range of macroeconomic, as well as financial markets data.

Data to assess the structure and performance of insurance companies (table B.8) are provided separately for life insurance and non-life insurance business. They cover major balance-sheet items, which are classified by type of instruments and maturity, key com­ponents of incomes and expenditures, and information on the structure of the industry in terms of the following: number of companies, their distribution by asset size, or their pre­mium income (or gross written premiums, for non-life insurance businesses) and related indicators of performance, solvency, and concentration.

Data needed to formulate an overview of capital markets, as well as the structure performance and efficiency of the markets, including its stocks exchanges, are indicated in table B.9. Such data are also needed in the context of both corporate governance
assessments, as well as assessments of International Organization of Securities Commissions Objectives and Principles for the regulation of securities markets.

Data needed to assess the structure and performance of pension funds and mutual funds make up table B.10.

Data needed for the analysis of other financial institutions, including nonbank finan­cial institutions (other than security firms, insurance, and pension funds) and specialized finance companies, make up table B.11.

Data on systematic liquidity infrastructure, including money, exchange, and govern­ment debt markets and operations, plus payment settlement systems, make up tables B.12 and B.13.

Data on legal, governance, and information infrastructure, including financial safety nets and insolvency regime, make up table B.14.

Подпись: B

Data to assess financial sector taxation and access to financial services are shown in tables B.15 and B.16, respectively.

Table B.1. Financial System Structure

Annual data for recent period

Assets billion Percent of

Number local currency) total assets

A. Depository institutions

Commercial banks—total Large domestic banks Major foreign banks Other banks Development banks Credit unions and cooperative Microfinance institutions Building societies

Other non-bank depository institutions

B. Non-depository intermediaries

Insurance companies Life and retirement Non-life Pension funds

Collective investment schemes

Money market mutual funds

Finance companies (including leasing and venture capital)

Securities firms

Other (specify)

C. Total financial system

Memorandum items:

Banks that are more than 50 percent owned by government

Подпись: BBanks that are foreign owned or controlled Subsidiaries of foreign banks in country Y Branches of foreign banks in country Y Subsidiaries of country Y's banks abroad Branches of country Y's banks abroad

Подпись: Annual data for recent periods A. Assets i. Cash (domestic notes and coins) 2. Balances at central bank and other banks 3. Placements (including overnight lending) 4. Government securities 5. Investments 6. a) Local currency advances (gross) b) Foreign currency advances (gross) c) Total advances (gross) d) Less the provision for bad debts e) Advances (net) 7. Other foreign assets 8. Fixed assets 9. Other assets 10. Total assets B. Liabilities 11. Local currency deposits (including interbank borrowing) 12. Foreign currency deposits (including interbank borrowing) 13. Accrued interest 14. Other foreign liabilities 15. Other liabilities 16. Total liabilities 17. Net assets and liabilities C. Capital and reserves 18. Paid up or assigned capital 19. Shareholders' loans 20. Revaluation reserves 21. Other reserves 22. Profit and loss account 23. Less additional provisions recommended 24. Total shareholders' funds Other items 25. Contingent liabilities (off-balance sheet items) 26. NPLs 27. Core capital 28. Supplementary capital 29. Total capital 30. TRWA 31. Other nonperforming assets 32. Investments in subsidiaries 33. TEAs Average net advances Подпись: B

Table B.2. Aggregate Balance Sheet for the Banking System

Table B.1. (continued)

Annual data for recent periods

Average placements Average government securities Average investments Average other earning assets Average net earning assets Average deposits Average other liabilities Average capital

D. Performance indicators

Measures of capital adequacy

34. Gearing ratio: [(24 - 32 - 75 percent of 20) / (11 + 12 + 13)]a

35. Core capital / total deposits [27 / (11 + 12 + 13)]

36. Core capital / TRWA (27 / 30)

37. Total capital / TRWA (29 / 30)

Measure of liquidity

38. Liquidity ratio (per liquidity statement)

39. Cash ratio

Measure of asset quality

40. NPLs and gross advances (26 / 6c)

41. (NPLs - provisions for bad debts) / gross advances [(26 - 6d) / 6c]

42. Provisions for bad debts / NPLs (6d / 26)

43. Advances / deposits [6c / (11 + 12 + 13)]

44. NPAs / assets ratio [(26 + 31/10 + 6d)]

Note: NPLs = nonperforming loans; TRWA = total risk weighted assets; TEAs = total earnings assets; NPAs = nonperforming assets.

a. Подпись: B
Numbers indicate line numbers in the table.

Table B.3. Profit and Loss Analysis for the Banking System

Annual data for recent periods

A. Income


Interest on advances


Interest on placement


Dividend income


Interest on government securities


Foreign exchange gain (loss)


Other interest income


Other income


Total income

B. Expenses


Interest on deposits


Other interest expenses


Occupancy expenses


Director's emoluments


Bad debts charge


Salaries and wages


Other expenses


Total expenses


Profit before taxation


Number of employees


Number of branches

C. Performance indicators


Yield on earning assets [(51 + 52 + 53 + 54 + 56) / 33]a


Cost of funding earning assets [(59 + 60) / 33]


Interest margin on earning assets


Yield on gross advances (51 / 6c)


Cost of deposits (59 + 60) / (11 + 12)


Return on assets (including contingencies) 67 / (10 + 6d + 25)


Return on shareholders funds (67 / 24)


Overheads (noninterest expenses) / total income (61 + 62 + 63 + 64 + 65) / 58


Bad debts charge / total earnings (63 / 58)

a. Numbers indicate line numbers in the table.

Table B.4. Measures of Financial System Interconnectedness

(units in local currency)

Annual data for recent periods

Banking system lending (exposure) to shareholders'3 On-balance sheet Off-balance sheet

Banking system lending (exposure) to Insurance companies Finance companies Securities firms Pension funds

Banking system equity investments in Insurance companies Finance companies Securities firms Pension funds

Gross interbank lending (exposure) tob Domestic banks

Foreign banks—parent or related company Foreign banks—unrelated

a. Banking system is defined here to include banks and all quasi-banks formally classified as nonbank financial institutions.

b. Подпись: B
For these data, domestic banks are defined as all banks operating in the country (i. e., including foreign-owned banks).

Table B.5. Financial Soundness Indicators for the Banking Sector

(in percent, unless otherwise indicated)

Annual (or quarterly) data
for recent periods

Capital adequacy

Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assetsa Regulatory tier I capital to risk-weighted assetsa Capital (net worth) to assets Asset composition and quality

Sectoral distribution of loans to total loansa

Sector A—please list the 5 to 10 most important sectors

Sector B

Sector C

Sector D

Sector E

Geographical distribution of loans to total loans

Country A—please list three most important countries Country B Country C

FX loans to total loans

NPLs to gross loansa

NPLs net of provisions to capitala

Large exposures to capitala

Gross asset position in derivatives to capital

Gross liability position in derivatives to capital

Sector E

Подпись: BEarnings and profitability ROAa ROEa

Interest margin to gross incomea Noninterest expenses to gross incomea Personnel expenses to noninterest expenses Trading and fee income to total income Spread between reference loan and deposit rates Liquidity

Liquid assets to total assetsa Liquid assets to total short-term liabilitiesa Customer deposits to total (noninterbank) loans FX liabilities to total liabilities Sensitivity to market risk

Net open positions in FX to capitala Net open positions in equities to capitala

Note: FX = foreign exchange; NPL = nonperforming loans; ROA = return on assets; ROE = return on equity. a. Included in the "core set" of financial soundness indicators.

Table B.6. Data on Ownership, Exposures, Profitability, and Costs in Banking

(in percent, unless otherwise indicated)

Share in total assets, or in the assets of the 10 largest banks of state-owned financial institutions

Share in the capital of all banks or of 10 largest banks of industrial or financial agglomerates

Classification of assets into normal, precautionary substandard, doubtful, and loss and the associated provisioning amounts

Value of connected lending for banks in the aggregate and for peers groups

Value of loans to large customers (regulatory definition that is based on specified thresholds for each bank)

Holdings of real estate by financial institutions—not related to provision of banking services

Deposits and claims of all banks held abroad classified by country; deposits in related banks by foreign owned banks

Unused lines of credit and guarantees provided by banks against different types of counterparties:

Domestic nonfinancial firms

Foreign banks

Foreign nonfinancial firms

Domestic government and states

Off-balance-sheet exposures to various types of derivative contracts in domestic and foreign currency units

Sources of revenue for all banks and peer groups of banks:


ATM/Deposit account services Trust

Security underwriting and market making Proprietary trading

Fees on investment and other traditional off-balance sheet activities

Подпись: BData on interest rate spread (average yield on loans minus average cost of deposit) for both dollar and domestic currency intermediation by various peer groups of banks

Note: ATM = automated teller machine.

Table B.7. Stress Testing of Banking Systems: Overview of Input Dataa

(all data should be bank-by-bank)

Annual data for recent periods


Basic balance sheet and income statement data, in particular capital, assets, risk - weighted assets, profits, net interest income

Credit risk

Breakdown of total loans by classification categories

Loan loss provisions (total or by the above classification groups)

Breakdown of loans by currency of denomination (and by classification)

Breakdown of loans by sectors (and by classification)13 Interest rate riskc

Maturity or repricing structure of assets and liabilities and off-balance sheet positions Holdings of debt securities by banks, duration of these holdings Exchange rate riskd

Currency breakdown of assets, liabilities, and off-balance-sheet positions

If substantial off-balance-sheet positions, other information (such as deltas of FX op­tions) may be needed

Interbank contagion risk

Uncollaterized lending (and similar) exposures between bank i and j, for all pairs of banks

Other risks

Depending on the features of the financial system, may include more detailed data on exposures such as equity holdings, real estate exposures (including collateral), commodity exposures

Other data

Selected macroeconomic indicators (e. g., interest rates, exchange rates, output growth rates)

Selected data on borrowers (e. g., corporate sector leverage, by economic sector)

Note: FX = foreign exchange.

a. The input data shown here are for a simple stress test in a small, noncomplex system with a large role of banks facing a standard set of interest rate, exchange rate, and credit risks. The data requirements will generally be much higher for complex financial systems. They also may be different for systems in which preliminary analysis suggests substantial exposures to specific risks, such as commodity price risk or real estate price risk. In systems with substantial role of nonbank financial institutions, additional data may be included for those.

b. The sectors may be defined by main activity (e. g., agriculture, manufacturing) or by residency or legal form (e. g., residents or nonresidents, households/firms).

c. These items are only direct interest rate and exchange rate risks, respectively. Data on indirect risks (i. e., interest or exchange rate induced changes in credit risk) are under credit risk.

Annual data for recent periods

Structure and concentration

Number and total assets of insurance companies by type of ownership:

Joint stock



Foreign-owned or controlled

Number and total assets of branches and subsidiaries of different types of insurance companies operating domestically and abroad

Number and total assets of domestic and foreign reinsurance companies operating domestically

Frequency distribution of asset size or premium incomes or new business of insurance companies and concentration indicators such as the shares of three or five largest insurance companies in terms of the chosen indicator

Ownership structure of insurance sector, such as the share of capital of all insurers or largest insurers, held by government, overseas insurance group, mutual, bank, other financial services or industrial group, and the like

Operation and performance

Gross and net (of reinsurance) domestic premium income reported (earned for nonlife insurance)—in currency and as percentage of GDP

Domestic policy holder liabilities (as a percentage of GDP) and as a percentage of domestic commercial and savings bank deposits

Capital and surplus (life) or net assets (non-life) as a percentage of net policy holder liabilities

Net nondomestic premium income reported (earned for nonlife insurance)

Investment portfolio net of investment in subsidiaries

Percentage of gross written and net written premium for each main type of insurance product

Number of insurer new entrants and exits in the past 10-15 years

Distribution costs, operating expenses, commissions, and reinsurance premiums for major insurance products and lines of business as a percentage of sales (new business for life, gross written for nonlife insurance)

Surplus or profit—before and after tax—as a percentage of beginning capital and surplus or shareholder's funds, as a percentage of annual premiums and of average total assets

Gross rate of return on investment and total assets

Asset composition and investment policy of different insurers (e. g., life, property, casualty, which is based on amounts [and shares] invested in various asset classes [e. g., short-term paper, long-term paper government bonds, corporate bonds, corporate equities (listed and unlisted), real estate, loans to private sector] foreign assets also classified by type of securities, and currency of denomination

Liability composition in terms of various asset classes, including insurance reserves and own funds, both domestic and foreign

Contingent and off-balance-sheet accounts, including derivatives and asset swaps.

Actual solvency margins, required minimum solvency margins, separately for life and nonlife business, and for large insurance groups on a consolidated basis.

Note: GDP = gross domestic product.

Annual data for recent periods

Overview and structure security of markets

Number of stock exchanges (list of country's stock exchanges and other regulated markets, including junior and OTC markets)

Number of listed companies (official lists of publicly traded companies)

Ownership ratios of domestic and foreign investors in listed companies Share of most actively traded (top three to five equities) shares in total traded value Market capitalization of listed companies as percentage of GDP

as percentage of all companies including privately held and state owned

Number and value of transactions in each major market and for companies in major indices

Turnover ratio

Total Number of shares outstanding Percentage of closely held stocks and "float"

Value and number new issues

Value as a percentage of total fixed capital formation Number of delistings and their value Number and size of merger transactions

Classification of number and market capitalization of listed companies by industrial sectors (according to SIC codes)

Number of companies in each sector

Market capitalization of the sector

Maximum, minimum, and medium market capitalization in each sector Average price earnings ratio in each sector

Return on equity (over 3 years, assuming dividends are reinvested)

Assets under management (bonds and equity separately of pension funds, mutual funds, banks, insurance companies, retail investors, foreign)

Number and total assets held and total capital of market markers, primary dealers, and brokers in the bond and equity markets

Number and list of credit rating agencies and their range of services

Number and list of clearing and settlement facilities, including securities depositories and the range of their services

Cost of new issues, cost of trading, including settlement cost, in secondary markets, including OTC markets

Fixed income securities

Government bond holdings and trading volume of different classes of investors (e. g., pension funds, primary dealers, retail investors, banks)

Maturity profile of outstanding government debt and non-government debt separately.

Outstanding amounts and new sales of government bonds by type of instruments, selling techniques (auction, and on tap), and frequency or timing of issues

Market value, interest rate, face value, and new issues of nongovernment bonds by type and maturity

Cost of new issues and cost of trading non-government debt

Outstanding volume by rating category (AAA, AA+, AA, BB), average (or maximum and minimum) size of capital of the issuer in each rating grade, total number of issuers, average maturity, percentage of face value that is guaranteed (if applicable)

Trading volume, average number of trades per trading day (for most active and least active issues), average quote size, bid-ask spreads, and quarterly standard deviation of price or yield change

Table B.9. (continued)

Holdings of corporate bonds by various classes of financial institutions

Outstanding amount and issuance of various types of securitized assets, by maturity, and type of issuing institutions; holdings of securitized assets by different types of financial institutions


Number and types of guaranteed derivative contracts

Annual and daily average volume of trading in guaranteed derivative contracts and their notional and market values

Volume of trading in derivatives classified by type of investor

Подпись: Note: OTC = over the counter; GDP = gross domestic product; SIC = standard industrial classification.
Подпись: B

Number and types of OTC contracts; annual and daily average turnover in OTC contracts and their notional and market values

Table B.10. Structure and Performance of Pension and Investment Funds

(annual data for selected periods)

Mandatory pension schemes

Number and total assets of pension funds

Holdings by categories of assets (e. g., government bonds, equities, loans, deposits) and an indication of applicable investment rules for each category

Value of derivatives and asset swaps in the portfolio

Capitalization and amount of deposited funds in each pension fund

Returns on pension fund assets and return on pension fund deposits, and other financial performance indicators

Disclosure requirements and related data

Occupational pension schemes

Number and total assets of pension funds

Holdings by categories of assets (e. g., government bonds, equities, loans, and deposits) and an indication of applicable investment rules for each category

Value of derivatives and asset swaps in the portfolio

Capitalization and amount of deposited funds in each pension fund

Returns on pension fund assets and return on pension fund deposits, and other financial performance indicators

Disclosure requirements and related data

Investment funds

Number and total assets of all licensed investment and mutual funds

Number and total assets of different types or classes of mutual funds (e. g., bonds, equity, mixed, money market)

Number of mutual fund families and types of sponsors (foreign owned or connected with foreign financial institutions and domestically sponsored)

Size distribution of mutual and investment funds (and mutual fund families) including the share of total net assets of the three largest mutual funds and the largest three fund families

Data on composition of assets (distinguished between short-term paper, longer-term instruments, overseas securities, and loans to private sector) of all mutual funds

Data on total foreign assets of mutual fund and investment companies

Data on volume of purchases and redemptions of mutual funds

Data on returns, entry (or exit) commissions, management fees of different types of mutual funds

Annual data for recent periods

Number and total assets of

Nonbank, non-deposit-taking financial institutions Leasing companies providing financial leasing facilities'3 Leasing companies providing operating leasing facilities0 Factoring companies

Institutions providing SME or microfinance

Government-owned or joint (public-private) specialized banks or financial institutions Institution that specialize in primary housing loans Primary sources of funds (e. g., private or public equity, bond issues) for Nonbank non-deposit-taking financial institutions generally Leasing companies Factoring

SME and microfinance providers Specialized institutions

Note: SME = small and medium enterprise

a. See definition in chapter 6. It includes non-bank financial institutions—other than security market intermediaries, insurance firms, and pension funds—that are both deposit taking, and non-deposit-taking banks that provide a range of specialized financial services.

b. Financial leasing can be defined as a leasing arrangement wherein the lessee takes on most of the benefit and burden of ownership of the leased asset—lease payments make up a large part, if not all, of the leased asset's cost, and the title to the asset will most likely pass on to the lessee at the end of the lease.

c. Operating leasing is generally defined as a leasing arrangement wherein the lessor retains many of the benefits and burdens of ownership of the leased asset, such as the right to claim depreciation or other tax benefits of ownership. The term of the lease generally lasts for only a portion of the working life of the asset, and title is retained by the lessor.

Inter-bank money market8

Average daily volume of the transactions and the bid and offer interest rates (or average, maximum, and minimum interest rates) broken down by maturity (e. g., overnight, 1 week, 2 week) and by instruments (e. g., unsecured inter-bank loans, repos, and so forth)

Aggregate data on financial institution's exposure to the interbank money market by type of financial institution and by maturity (quarterly)

Average daily volume or end period volume and yield to maturity of central bank bills (if any), treasury bills, and commercial bank bills, and negotiable certificate of deposits sold on the primary issue market (by maturity)

Average daily volume (or total during a period) and yield to maturity of central bank bills, treasury bills, and bank bills, plus NCDs (of different residual maturities) transacted in the secondary markets

Ownership structure (e. g., domestic versus foreign, banks, nonbanks, public, private) of key money market instruments

Interbank foreign exchange markets

Average (or end of period) domestic currency or USD exchange rate on the spot market, bid, and offer spot exchange rates, and average daily volume of transactions (number and value) on the spot market

Average domestic currency or USD exchange rate and average and total volume (number and value) of forward transactions (by maturity)

Distribution of foreign exchange transactions by type of investor

Volume of central bank operations in the spot—and forward FX market

Central bank or monetary authority, liquidity management operations (excludes emergency lending)

Value and frequency of liquidity management operations (open market operations in specified money market or other market instruments) by the central bank

Aggregate (end of period stock) liquidity provided to or withdrawn from the banking system as a result of OMOs

LOLR activities (outstanding stock and rates) broken down by type of instrument, types of borrower, and currency, including standing and discretionary loan facilities, access limit per institution (average), and interest rates charged (by maturity structure and type of loan collateral)

Number of institutions that account for 50 percent or 70 percent of total liquidity provided through discount window or other liquidity adjustment facilities

Data on liquidity ratios (if any) imposed by Central Bank by type of authorized financial institutions

Foreign exchange SWAP arrangements with foreign central banks, monetary authorities, and commercial banks

Required reserves, excess reserves, and free reserves, and selected liquidity ratios

Public debt management and government bond markets

Public sector debt that is outstanding, broken down by issuer (central government, central bank, state-owned entities, state local governments), by instrument, by type of investor, and by maturity

Public sector holdings of liquid financial assets

Average duration or term to maturity of government debt outstanding

Note: NCDs = negotiable certificates of deposit; USD = U. S. dollars; FX = foreign exchange; OMOs = open market operations; LOLR = lender of last resort.

Volume and value of transactions processed in specified payment settlement systems, including

Number of participants

Daily average volume and value processed

Projected trends in volume or value

Breakdown of payment transactions by financial market transactions, commercial transactions, and consumer transactions

Frequency distribution of number of participants by value groupings Netting ratio Concentration ratio

Overnight or intraday credit—size and rates

Volume and type of transactions returned or not processed at the completion of clearing and settlement process

Average time to settle—for recent months and for 3 peak days—after payments enter the system for testing through the day for payment by size; number and value of payments in various "time to settle" bands

Average number and value of queued payments in recent months and on peak days

Total notes and coins issues, transferable deposits, narrow money supply, transferable deposits in foreign currency and broad money

Required reserves, portion of required reserves available for settlement, excess reserves, transferable interbank deposits, central bank credit to banks (both in domestic and foreign currency)

Volume and value of transactions by payment instrument:

• checks (domestic, foreign currency) and payment by cards (credit, debit, and stored value)

• Paper-based credit transfers (customer initiated, interbank large value)

• Paperless credit transfers (customer initiated, interbank or large value, direct debits, e-money, other)

Number of checking accounts, ATMs, POS, ATM-debit cards, credit cards.

Total volume and value (annual) of transactions in various interbank transfer systems (low-value systems, large-value systems, domestic and foreign currency transaction)

Volume and value of instructions handled by various securities settlement systems (government, securities, corporate shares, corporate debt, other)

Note: ATMs = automated teller machines; POS = point of sale.

Annual data for recent periods

Safety net and emergency

Size distribution of deposits for the banking system and for major banks, and the percentage of total deposits (and depositors) that is insured

Depositor payouts—amounts and number of depositors—by deposit protection fund

Timing, number of banks, value of assets, and duration of the operation for various types of bank intervention operation (e. g., statutory management, bank license withdrawals, liquidation, purchase and assumption, government takeover)

Size of operations and their timing for policy holder and investment protection funds Volume and terms of emergency lending operations and their rationale Insolvency regime and creditor rights

Volume and percentage of total of different types of lending (e. g., corporate, personal, real estate, automobile), connected lending, and large exposures in banks, NBFIs, and DFIs

Percentage of corporate loans that is securitized, classified by type of security

Level and percentage of NPL in banks, NBFIs, and DFIs, classified by type of lending and by industry; value and percentage of classified loans in each classification category

Number of credits, amounts, and percentages (as a percentage of total credit under collection or recovery) in each of the following:

• Sale of credit to a third party

• Debt rescheduling

• Informal workout

• Nonjudicial foreclosure or execution

• Judicial foreclosure (immoveable assets)

• Judicial proceedings and execution (moveable assets)

• Liquidation proceedings (bankruptcy)

• Rehabilitation proceedings (e. g., formal, court supervised) debt to-equity conversion

• Other (describe, country specific)

For each of the above categories of debt resolution, annual data on

• Average recovery rates (as a percentage of total credit, plus interest due)

• Average recovery rate (as a percentage of nominal value of credit)

• Average duration of recovery

• Average costs incurred in trying to collect the loans (e. g., costs of litigation, costs for external lawyers)

Corporate governance

Overview of capital markets (see table B.9)

Number, number of employees, sales, assets of companies by types of ownership and incorporation (e. g., proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company), and by listed and nonlisted separately

Percentage of the listed sector owned by state, foreign, domestic; institutional investors, holding companies, families, and so forth and items such as indicators of ownerships concentration and pyramid structures

Note: NBFI = nonbank financial institution; DFI = development finance institution.

Tax treatment—rate, withholding, deductions and exemptions if any—of incomes (interest, dividend, capital gain) from different categories of financial assets (e. g., deposits, stocks, bonds)

Tax treatment—rate, deductible items such as loan loss provisions and other exclusion—of incomes, transactions or gross receipts (or other VAT and sales tax) of various classes of financial institutions

Tax treatment of transactions in different financial markets

Tax treatment of pension funds and life insurance—tax rates on premia or contributions— on earnings on the fund while invested and on withdrawals or pensions

Remuneration of required reserves and excess reserves

Подпись: B
Note: VAT = value added tax.

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Financial Sector Assessment

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