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Ideas and equipment for small business


Business in the ovens on the used oil

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Startegiya workshop the business

The ovens on the used oil:
Business in the ovens on the used oil
Reviews and wish

We have been engaged with manufacturing of the ovens more than year .For this time we have sold more than 200 ovens in Ukraine and several in Russia. I consider this idea to be the most lucky of all that have been published by as us at the site and at the same time the most simple! The Idea practically does not demand the seed investments - I began with the experiments with the construction at home , than draw the drawings, took to some enterprises and companies which were engaged in manufacturing of the metal constrictions, showed the idea to the owners and made the arrangement about the credit by ready production.( in excharge for I let them use the idea for their private interests. It was the basic reason why I was given the credit...) It's most likely that many buyers of the drawings are not engaged in manufacturing and selling of the ovens and they find the markets of the selling only in their own cities and towns.

I was not engaged in certification and patenting( I do not know and I do not understand why for?) If that someone doesn't made a complaint for using a strange idea (and who does it???), on this subject I have the proof "the authorships of any idea " for the users of Internet -place the information about the idea on the free servers in Internet and do not change files - at each file there is a date of creation or changing, by this date it is possible to show the time of the publication of the idea but there is only one question : whom must I show it and why for? As Y.Moroz writes, the businessman is that who uses his own or STRANGE idea and (the idea of the oven is taken from Turkey too..) also receives profit.

Now there is a question about the organization of manufacturing the ovens in regions: The customers of the drawings ask me can they be engaged in manufacturing and selling the ovens? -Of course they can and they must and I have no share for my idea! The customers of the drawings can manufacture and sell the ovens without my agreement, but all the following agreements ( if you need them) it's your problem ( I can't help you, so as I have already written I didn't made any certification). Then what is the difference between the organization of the manufacturing shop in region and buying the drawings? For the proposition of the organization of industrial shop we also demand (it's except the piece-payment of the services) the piece-payment in a project and thus we take at ourselves the obligations not to offer and not to organize more than one industrial shop in the region-this politics is directed against the stuffing of the market by such goods, besides the industrial shop ''manufacturing only ovens'' is a big rarity and it's more profitable to use such industrial shop for manufacturing packing equipment and other equipment for business. If you buy the drawings you organize the business Yourself, maybe it is more cheap and more favorable start for you.
At joint cooperation and organization of business we realize at your market all experience, of manufacturing and soling the equipment saved by us

Contacts for orders and offers:
Ukraine, Alexandria, Frunze 5/4
tel/fax +38 05235 43913

The Representative in g.Zaporozhie:
tel (0612) 644167 Viktor